For all your music needs. Chat, Fun and much much more

Q) What is so different about The Studio?


A) Unlike MOST rooms, we include over 1400+ song titles! (not just 100 or so... )

Q) What if i need a special program?

A) Unlike MOST rooms we have links to all kinds of stuff to burn your music, video's or cdg, even links on where to buy equiptment!


Q) What if i need help with the program or where to go to get music?

A) Unlike MOST rooms we allow you to ask questions and help out when needed with step by step help.

Q) What if I want a special program like nero?

Don't worry because here in The Studio we can help by sending you to the nero site, there are alot of program sites that are free, audiograbber for one, so have no fear The Studio is here!

We also have dance hits from the 40s to country to current hits for all your styles, in addition to karaoke or by itself. All music and karaoke files owned by KJ's and DJ's have rights to there prosective music. Ask before you take.



Please follow the rules & enjoy your stay. Also please leave all outside issues at the door.

Note : So Please Be kind and remember to use your manors.


Additionally, greetings are only polite (so please do so) .....

EVERYONE: Designs And Original Graphics Are By LadyDarkSky® Designs Copyright (c) 2021. All Rights Reserved. Modification Or Use Of Part Or Whole Of This Site Or Contents On Any Other Site Is Prohibited. This Notice Extends To All Written Words Contained In This Domain And All Sites Under It's Control. Copying, Downloading, Reproducing Or Posting Elsewhere Is Strictly Prohibited. Music, Photography and All graphics are the property of There prospective owners, and Is Copywritten Of The Respective Artists




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